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Pope and Young Announces Second Round of Hall of Fame Inductees

May 11 th , 2023 - Pope and Young, America’s leading bowhunting conservation organization, recently

inducted seven highly deserving Pope and Young members into their Hall of Fame at the 33 rd Biennial


At the 32 nd Biennial Convention, Pope and Young announced the creation of their Hall of Fame and

inducted its first five members. Becoming a part of the Hall of Fame, for an organization with so many

iconic hunters and conservationists, is something to be held in high regard. Each of this year’s inductees

have played a major role in the promotion and preservation of bowhunting, and Pope and Young is proud

to induct them into the prestigious Hall of Fame.


Randy joined the Pope and Young club in 1971 and started serving on the Board of Directors in

November of 1983, and served continuously until his death. Randy became the Club’s President in April

of 2002 until his passing that same year in August. Randy computerized the entire records program while

the records office was in his home in Moscow, Idaho. He was also very influential in getting the records

office combined with the secretary’s office and moved to Chatfield, MN.


Kevin joined Pope and Young in 1985 and became an official measurer in 1988, where he served as a

Panel Judge for 11 Biennium’s. He served as the Executive Secretary for 15 years, his tenure in that role

is the longest in the Club’s history. He started working for the club in 1982, and his involvement with

Pope and Young spanned 34 years of dedicated service.


Larry joined Pope and Young in 1973 and in 2021 was awarded the Lifetime Emeritus Senior

Membership. Larry served on his first panel in 1979 in Salt Lake City and served on 23 consecutive

panels since then. In 1993 Larry was elected to the Board as Director role, before he completed a fullterm, he was appointed Records Chairman and filled that position for six years. He worked hard to write

the typical and non-typical chapters of the first Pope and Young measuring manual, and much of the

general measuring section. Larry still serves very faithfully in helping the office staff anytime they ask for

his assistance.


Fred first joined Pope and Young in 1966 and his first term on the Board of Directors, began in 1978. He

served as the Director for six years until 1984, which is when Fred ran for President and served as

President from 1984 to 2002. Fred was the leader of Pope and Young for 18 continuous years, the longest

serving President in the history of the club. But to us as members of the Pope and Young, he was more

than a director, a member, or a President. Fred was not only a legendary bowhunter, but he was also our

dedicated leader and friend. He saw to it that ethical behavior and fair chase practices remained the

backbone of our organization.


Glenn joined Pope and Young in 1975 and became a Lifetime Senior Member in 2016. Glenn became an

official measurer in 1981 and has been on nearly every panel since 1981, as well as eight Boone and

Crockett panels. It goes without saying, Glenn is one of the elite measurers within the system having

trained more than 700 Pope and Young measurers. He was also a major player in the writing and

development of the Measurers Manual. Glenn has held and served in many capacities inside the Club

including serving as the Executive Secretary for 11 years, 1 st Vice President, Director of Records, and

Records Chairman.


Marv joined Pope and Young in 1969, with Judy following in 1981 and was just the seventh female

bowhunter to be accepted as a Regular Member in 1999. Marv and Judy have both been active

participants in Pope and Young auctions. Marv has donated several beautiful scrimshaw pieces for the

auction and various other awards. Both have helped with the actual auctions in one way or another. Marv

even demonstrated his prowess as an auctioneer on several occasions. Marv donated over 100 bows and

arrows to the Pope and Young Museum. They have actively mentored young and old alike during their

bowhunting careers. They have often given bows and arrows to young people to get them interested in

bowhunting and the outdoors. Both Marv and Judy have received “Lifetime Achievement Awards” from

the Colorado Bowhunters Association.


The Pope and Young Club is North America's leading bowhunting conservation organization. If you are a

fair chase, ethical bowhunter, and you care about preserving the culture and future of bowhunting, then

you belong to the Pope and Young Club. Join today at .

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